Exploring integrity

JANU: Integrity, the focus you have chosen and are exploring, needs comment on where it touches upon reality and its nature. What is truth? Is there integrity in truth? Yes, even though truth is fluid and evolving, ever changing, inherent integrity abounds. Is there integrity in peace? There is, our brother, but see not integrity as a fixed reality, a constant unchanging nature of everything, but that which evolves as well and adapts to it is a part of.

Integrity is a foundation for exploration, for being, for expression, for creativity, even love. Integrity looms large when examining any principle of life or expression thereof, for where is perception and discernment without it? Integrity keeps the door open to expand understanding and experience and wisdom. Integrity is not a thing. It is a reality of being and allows for variations of expression as life evolves. This includes consciousness, for what is not conscious of the complexity and diversity of the elements of life, their relationships, their interactions, their collaborations, and their seeming conflicts?

You ask to understand pure integrity, its essential nature. Its pattern is a derivative of the nature of Life, always in motion, both practical and elusive. Being at peace, true Peace, reveals integrity without bias or preference or judgment. Continue to explore this, our brother, and we will with you. Namaste.
Nov. 28, 2018                                                                                                Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross