Reality is in the eye of the beholder

JANU:    Reality, then, is definitely in the eyes of the beholder, for each one’s perception is uniquely theirs. Belief systems, memories, histories of experience, awakening to potential, exploring beyond the physical five senses with subtler senses. More unlimited, discovering the richness of life, its incredible diversity, its coexistent realities, and the potential for inclusive consciousness, sorting through wide ranging experiences. Human potential and the Larger Life are one, experiencing potential as a reality that supports creation, manifestation, and the evolution of consciousness.

You ask, “What is practical in the life, gaining such experience and wisdom?” Is it not practical to understand, making decisions based upon potential outcomes, understanding the dynamics of creation, communicating with other intelligences whether on Earth or not, sharing understandings, gaining clarity about everything? No question that can’t be addressed and responded to. The five senses are part of this experience but the potential exceeds them with consciousness yet to be explored.

What does it mean to be a co-creator? Driving a nail in a piece of wood to what end? To fulfill a vision or something to be created? To what purpose and where does the vision come from, our brother, but the inherent creative genius. Nurtured from within, it is at one with the rest of Life. Think and experience a little larger each day. Add to your understanding and experiences. Allow the Tapestry of Life to be a reality for you as you collaborate in the weaving of it. Namaste.
Nov. 29, 2018 B                                                             Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross