True peace has always been within you

JANU:  This evening, what we add to the clamor of those who build monuments to peace through force is the faint cry of those who reach out for peace, a simple life, without any idea of how to achieve it.

Why does the peace, the quest for peace, seem so powerless in the face of those who use force to achieve peace? What a contradiction this is. True peace is not realized in this way. It is born of the power of peace itself. And this peace, this power, neutralizes forcefulness. So then, to our brothers crying out for peace, find it within and, no matter what is going on around you, you’ve reached your victory. For in this life and the life beyond, true peace has nothing to do with force, and the calm between wars is not true peace. If it were, the wars would not continue.

What we serve this evening is the inspiration within of this message of peace to be achieved individually, for within your nature, your True Nature, peace will always be found, without fear, without force, but with the power that is in harmony with life itself. In true peace, the body finds health and balance, rejuvenation, and revitalization. Disease is not the product of peace. It is the product of fear and force that produce depletion, imbalance, and the decay of the body.

True peace has always been with you. Follow the wise counsel from within when walking in a world of counsel from without by those who claim wisdom, experience, and their own kind of power. So, find the peace that you reach for, that you’ve always had but have forgotten its source. Namaste.
Jan. 17, 2013 B                                        Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

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