Coexisting with everything

JANU:    We are singling out then the reason for incarnating in this sojourn. Let us presume that the narrative to follow is of the True Nature.

We are one in life, which includes physical life. Therefore, the lowering of consciousness, so to speak, into this octave of life is a natural and necessary occurrence befitting the inquiring nature of the existence of being. No part of life left alone or ignored, for everything coexists. The intent of the True Nature is to coexist with everything. The shift here, the paradigm, is coexistence. Not just individuality or uniqueness, but the coexistence of all uniqueness.

The Tapestry of Life is built upon the threads of these realities. It is vital. It is alive. It is ongoing. It is ever changing, and is one with everything. The reason for being is the oneness that we are. Therefore, all of life, all realities coexist in peace and in harmony, a symphony, if you will, of peaceful coexistence with a growing sense of the collective reality of life. The realization of potential, the endless discovery of countless possibilities. Each one, each part of life, journeying as they choose, establishing their own relationship with opportunities.

There is nothing wrong. Live in peace. Have trust and faith in life, confidence in its wisdom and its beauty. Namaste.
Jan. 3, 2019                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross