The code and theme of service

JANU:    What then of this code of service, that belongs to an ancient tradition? It’s part of life from the beginning. Codes have to do with traditional conduct, authorized by all who participate, and the wisdom accrued. This code we speak of aligns those who serve in a tradition that includes incalculable diversity. The code speaks to motive, agenda, clarity, purity of thought, and yes, love–love for life and its destiny. And yes, this code evolves, meaning that it adapts to new thresholds of life. The code resembles the breath of life. It is a living thing, as a product of those in agreement with it.

Yes, another word for it is the ‘theme’ of service, with the strength of ancient tradition, universal qualities and commitment. So when serving, let there be an honoring of this theme, this code of service and the vast history it reveals to you, of the service it records, and the life it serves. Namaste.
Sept. 27, 2012 B                                            Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

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