Choosing a life of many experiences

JANU:    Experience is the teacher as we progress along these lines of understanding. The nature of experience is being one with, being in harmony with, understanding the nature of everything and its principle, its progression and evolution, and its relationship throughout its reality. Experience is the memory generator. Memories for the purpose of reconnecting with experience, exploring more fully.

To experience life in all of its diversity brings mastership of consciousness and an affinity for every part of life. Service truly is ennobled through the intimacy of experience; the experience as a choice of intent, attention, desire, attunement, consciousness. Let not today’s experience be a duplicate of yesterday’s. That is stagnation, lack of motion. Change is life in motion, the nature of life. A valid ideal is to experience something new, giving more meaning and purpose to the ones already achieved, moving with the flow of life as it evolves and realizes its potential, the life that you are.

The Earth is part of this. Why not choose to experience it, intimately? Understand, relate to it, and serve it as part of life. The Wheeyah Code series refers to this as remembering how to communicate, be at one with the Earth consciousness.

There are many legacies in the skeins of time to encourage intimacy in a life of experience and awakening. Words are a kind of experience but oh, so limited. So much more to be revealed. No substitute for intimate experience and the wisdom that is revealed.

Choose to experience all that you truly are, for all that you are is connected intimately with the rest of life. Cherish every experience. Be grateful for the next. The journey is without end. Namaste.
Jan. 28, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross