Wisdom and leadership

JANU: We are surveying with you then that condition known as ignorance. A catalyst for confusion, lack of vision, isolation, aimlessness, conflict, and, yes, war. The hope for the future of humanity is realized in enlightenment as to the nature of any condition or circumstance. Common ground and individualism can coexist through enlightenment, meaning “to be in knowledge of.”

Wisdom is the result of knowledge applied to experience. So where is the wisdom in current human society? It exists especially when incarnate human embraces the Larger Life, for the repository of individual wisdom is owned by the True Nature and is in harmony with universal wisdom.

Humanity is gaining wisdom, but finds itself in a morass of confusion, longing for guidance but confused about the source of it. Trusting in elected leaders whose wisdom does not bear close examination, reflecting the collective consciousness of the electorate, you see? So leadership and wisdom are a team effort between the electorate and the so-called leaders. Unhappy circumstance is the creation of all involved, each in their own way, to their own degree. The same is true for positive and productive circumstance.

So choose, with the wisdom available, the collective consciousness you serve. Stand in your integrity. Be open to enlightenment. Awakening is a process, supported by commitment and courage. Namaste.
Jan. 30, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to revisitDiscernment in current challenges for more on this issue.