A oneness consciousness of service

JANU:   We are forming an aura of sorts conditioning the consciousness to serve a bit more universally, meaning the more fundamental realities of life. There are systems of life both independent in function and synergistic in their nature. What we serve this evening can be called, that which seems dormant to most but profound and universal to any so attuned, the Brotherhood of Life that acknowledges equal worth of essential nature.

Service in this understanding is more one of being at one with the essential nature of the life, which is the ‘beingness’ of that served. Difficult to explain in words of common speech, for common speech is not designed for this understanding. So as we identify, so to speak, that being served, it is its nature, its ‘beingness’ through which service takes place. The inherent wisdom of life guides or authorizes this and the service is loved into being.

There is a significant difference between “doing” service and “allowing” service. We will explore the latter, service not being an activity as such but an experience for that being served.

As we have said before, true service is a continuous reality. The role of the individual’s consciousness is to be one with it. For without this, how does one not interfere with the natural progression and the outcomes to be achieved? Life is aware of all conditions and concerns.

As you can see, becoming one with the reality of continuous service, the experience is one of moving with this flow of life. No longer just you and the object of service. Much to be embraced here in new understanding. Namaste.
July 11, 2013 B & July 18, 2013 B                                                         Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.