The progression of consciousness

JANU: We are welcoming again this opportunity to speak as one in the midst of the progression of the elements of the human journey. Let us make no mistake, then, that these progressions are in no way in concrete, so to speak. They are malleable, but they show tendencies, propensities, specific possibilities that are achievable. Of course, all progressions are subject to modifications as desires, interests, and passions inspire change.

So let us begin with the progression of consciousness or awakening. What we see here in no way implies predetermination but does point to a more expansive, joy-filled, and peaceful journey into the Larger Life. Struggles have their day, but must eventually give way to achievement. And achievements give way to opportunities and to greater possibilities. Synergism of the journeys of so many yields a life movement that on reflection appears to have a destiny of its own, so individual destinies coalesce into a larger collective destiny, and the opportunities correspond in significance.

Life is evolving, changing, creating, becoming, realizing its potential through the destinies of so many. And not just of the Earth, you see. Life is everywhere, in so many forms, humanity being just one. The Larger Life includes all of these. Allow your consciousness to grow in acceptance of so much more. Be true to your estate, but allow it to mature through exposure to other estates as well, you see. Be at peace. Be in motion. Be evolving. Be true to your destiny and serve life. Namaste.
Feb. 4, 2019                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross