Progression of U.S. government leadership  

JANU:    Part of the procedure of reflective postulates or progressions is the clear statement of intent, and then letting go of the focus to the larger life of your own being, as you just did.

The presidency of the USA, as you have requested, is going through several changes—some would call turmoils—but changes nonetheless. We see two or three more significant changes, challenging and at times confusing. The way out of this is motivating the contenders, not yet mature enough to manage all of the factions of government. Inspired visions, yes. Management maturity, not quite yet. For effective leadership is the relationship between the leader and those being led, that can understand each other, combine visions and insights into something workable. Long range commitments that allow for the process of change without loss of vision.

The hope for one single leader to redirect everything is more of a fantasy than reality, for leadership, effective in the current scenario, will take more than one. Leaders in various areas of the government will step up once they see the presidency is one they can relate to. Teamwork here, when the right elements are in place: mutual respect and a commitment, with patience and determination. Look for these things to meld.

This progression is based upon the realities that currently exist. Anticipate these changes. Namaste.
Apr. 26, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross