Moving human hearts from fear to love

JANU: Alert once more to the beckoning for an evening service, that which comes by the honored tradition of the completing of a day’s journey, what better way to complete a cycle of life than to serve it. Let us now proceed on this journey of service. Never underestimate the power of the Light to achieve that which is needed.

Service this evening shall include the concern for the human race in this time of change that quickens so much fear. Tonight we serve the hearts of humanity, bringing such love as alternative to any fear. Let us begin at this time. (extended pause)

Humanity cannot embrace its destiny with fear in their hearts. Only the love that unites the self with the truth of life that exits everywhere will heal this forever. Let the fear expressed by others always remind you of this alternative, for many have yet to realize there is one. People will ask you “How do I achieve this love and freedom?” By acknowledging its truth and reality that has always existed within them. Choose freedom, by the same authority that you have chosen fear. You are the power that placed fear in your world. That same power realizes love. In other words, dear ones, choose. And choose with passion and conviction and commitment and with deed.

Those with remorse from their previous actions will be free, for in this love of their choosing they forgive themselves. Only love can accomplish this, because love finds no fault and condemns none. It unifies life and expands it. Preach this, to all who will listen, by your example. Namaste.
July 15, 1999 A                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.