The gift of peace

JANU:    We are working again with what we have to surmount: some challenges to life having to do with a peace that does not include violence, as some proclaim their peace as a result of it. What does peace look like, then, in a society whose roots are not violent? This society has grand ambitions to improve everything by virtue of the exploration and manifestation of potential.

This society of violence sees only conquering their ‘enemy,’ as they perceive, not the realization of another’s potential and the benefit that comes from that. How can there be true peace when one group claims victory over another? How then can the defeated truly enrich anyone? For the victors see the defeated as those less than themselves, inferior and weak and misguided. Even claiming to be benefactors, you wouldn’t trade places. Quiet times, relatively speaking, between wars and conflicts, is a very limited understanding and reality of peace.

Truly at-peace societies don’t even think of wars but of challenges to overcome for the benefit of all, like mastering excellent health, reasonable prosperity, and creative genius. These are the marks of peaceful civilization and this is the civilization that will raise the bar of peace when making first contact with another world. How many times in human history has it been the cycle of war, relative calm, to return to war and to the calm and then to the war? What other model of life has been known to draw upon? A true and deep love of life finds these cycles of no value and a form of insanity.

Humanity needs a new model for understanding peace and its true gift. This is our service this evening: the gift of peace. Let it be so. Namaste.
March 18, 2013 B                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

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