Serving the resolution of terrorism

JANU: We are reckoning this evening that which belongs to a group of concerned citizens, if you will, of your world that have breached the outermost layers of social dogma and ritual to begin the climb into freedom of thought and consciousness. This group serves those who are part of an effort to free many from the terror and cruelty of terrorist groups around the world. This is a noble venture and a complex one, that leaves many of these vulnerable to personal risk.

What we do this evening is we place an umbrella of protection in the form of the Light of Love. They are not alone in their service and deserve the support of all who serve. Their goal, their focus is not to bring down the terrorism and crush it but explore it and those who participate, and help them find resolution and a road towards peace. Valuing life but not its direction. We call on those spiritual leaders of the past, of which they claim to be followers, to help them see through the distortions of these original truths by those with violent agendas.

There is insanity here, on both sides of this issue. Your nation’s hands are not clean. A solution to this is not an outside force, but a breakthrough in understanding of the truth involved and the will to heal. Namaste.
March 19, 2013 B                                                                                       Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

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