And these shall inherit the Earth

JANU:    Service, then this evening, accounts for perhaps the dwindling of an atmosphere of belligerence in the world, for those who desire nothing but peace for their families, health, and a small amount of prosperity. We serve these this evening, that their vision flourishes, that their prosperity includes generosity, that their health and well-being serve others.

These simple souls are the foundation for the future, for they hold the promise of a chance, an opportunity for their offspring to realize purpose and beauty in their lives. They do not seek prosperity at the expense of others, but to uplift others. They do not seek power for themselves, but enrichment for their families and their friends. They ennoble humanity and bring honor to themselves. These beautiful souls will go further in their quest for life and meaning.

Mark this, our brother. These are the foundation for the future of humanity. Their strength is not deceit, manipulation. Their strength is hard work, commitment, ideals and values. And they shall inherit the Earth. Understand these values and magnify them in your endeavors, in your service. They are the role models for the children of the future. And these children will bring honor to them. Namaste.
Nov. 20, 2012 B                                                                                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.