Conscious relationship with potential

JANU: What we encourage and look at, at this time, is the sequence of events that march towards universal awakening. Awakening is a lot more wide-ranging than the human journey, you see. All of life is evolving, becoming more conscious of its diverse expressions and the nature of each of these. All of this enriches life that is larger than creation, for in the larger reality potential exists as evidence of life, potential being more than an unmanifest collection of life pattern possibilities. But potential is a life with its own nature.

Potential absorbs the essential nature of life that realization can take place, in all realities. Potential is the signature of possibilities. But possibilities have their own existence, whether manifested or not. Relating to potential in this way brings about a curve of ordered expression that feeds back to evolution of potential. There are evolved consciousnesses that communicate with potential as a life expression, enriching their awakening directly.

When sitting at the dinner table, so to speak, the main course is potential with all its diversity and never seems to repeat itself, the menu constantly refreshing itself. So, dine on potential. Experience what you may. Your table manners are the protocols of access. Coexist consciously with potential. Namaste.
May 28, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross