The nature of the third dimension

JANU: Service this evening begins with an announcement that there is a clarification to be had of your density of life, sometimes called ‘the third dimension’ although a limited, unenlightened term.

Your density–which in reality is variable, with many layers of vibration or frequency, and many energies, some gross and some very subtle–your density belongs to a group of densities that are by no means isolated but co-exist. The fabric of life allows there to be connection and communication between all densities; therefore, your perception of the so-called third dimension can be on the small side, you see. Third dimensional understanding would best be re-named ‘a moment of physicality in a crystalline reality.’

Service, then this evening, is to bring enlightenment in this area of understanding. For the consciousness to be engaged in multi-dimensional understanding, there must be a multi-dimensional perspective of co-existence, of integration, of synergism, and of common purpose. A oneness with all of life in your perceptions allows this to be. We would have you see it in this way, for there are opportunities throughout reality to be engaged and witnessing life from a physicality perspective will not get you there.

We know you understand this. It is our endeavor this evening to bring clarity to this, for you and other observers. We trust there is clarity here, in this introduction. Namaste.
Aug. 28, 2012 B                                                             Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross

Ed. note: This is one of the earlier presentations of the concept of coexistence, which has been much explored in recent years. Search the term ‘coexistence’ to see the many journeys concerning this idea.

The reader may wish to look at the category “Service” for other attunements posted in prior years.