Research and exploration

JANU:    Research, then, is the theme, exploration. And what is the catalyst for research and exploring? It is a curiosity of wondering: What about? What if? How does this work? What is the connection? Where is life heading? What are the venues of understanding that flourish? What correlations exist between discoveries and realities? How do different parts of life influence each other? What controls are in place that the flows of life are not interfered with but play out? What levels of reality coexist with the physical body with results that communicate relationships, health and well-being, disturbances, and the flow of life force?

Research usually has a theme or focus. What do you wonder about, with commitment? And how open-minded are you, that allows something new into your consciousness, into your experience? What preferences and prejudices are behind the question or interest? What are your motivations? What is the character and nature of your current identity likely to do with new information, new capabilities, new faculties? Do you respect the life flows of others’ inquiries, existence, life journeys, and needs to understand, explore and evolve? How well do you understand and accept the oneness of everything and everyone, that everything is connected, influencing and being influenced?

Many issues arise in the field of research and exploration. One is never truly alone. Many beings hear your requests and monitor your explorations. Life is aware of everything. There are no secrets. So, ask your questions. Do your research. Awaken with concern and a sense of responsibility for the role you play in the flow of life. Namaste.
July 31, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross