Being an explorer

JANU:    Exploring these things, then—such as procreation, the nature of the genders, the pre-programming, the purpose, the depth, the richness of all of this—pertains to the Larger Life as well. For where do you think this came from, its origins, its design? And continues to serve Life’s expansion, co-creation.

An awakening co-creator is what is explored here. What does that mean, exactly? A co-creator gaining wisdom through experience, through the process of creating and experiencing and wisdom-gaining and re-creating, re-experiencing, and gaining deeper wisdom. Many times, in variations that are inspired by the wisdom gained. Life maturing, evolving, fulfilling its potential and destiny.

We are all part of this. Physical procreation is only one part of the larger reality of life. There are many realities that counterpart other realities. Explore manifestations, patterns, elements of consciousness, cycles, the essence of everything, interactions, seeming collaborations and oppositions. Where does this lead you, but into an appreciation and experience with a life that is larger than you currently know.

Humans tend to see life through human eyes and perceptions. What of other species on other worlds? How do they see life? What are their perceptions? What about those on other worlds, who have experienced other species on other worlds? Has their outlook matured, deepened, become more complex and wiser? Of course it has.

Humanity is awakening. Early on its path compared to what lies ahead. And humanity is not the first species to go through this, to continue to go through this. Now, the scientific community limits these excursions into the Larger Life, physically, with time and space perceptions. But your True Nature is far more capable and can be anywhere, anytime, and demonstrates this in small ways in daily living without you understanding what is taking place.

The Larger Life is never far away. It coexists with every reality. So where does that so-called ‘first step’ come from? Yes, it comes from the True Nature. Sneaks in, so to speak, to the consciousness of the moment with an insight, a seed thought, a wondering fed by a desire to know.

Yes, an explorer, a discoverer, a finder, but the quest never ends for there is always more to understand, experience. A grand adventure into the nature of everything. Namaste.
Aug. 8, 2019                                                                                   Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross