Each one is precious as they are

JANU: People are precious as they are. They are an expression of life. They hold a potential and are on their journey, their path in life. Coping as they may, desiring more, groping for meaning and a glimmer of purpose, experimenting with possibilities. Wondering about Spirit, about Deity, about their own nature and reason for being. They represent life in motion. Not limited to a timetable, they are precious as they are.

See each one this way. Help them believe they are such. They are worthy of everything life has to offer. They are evolving, whether perceived or not. They are life in motion and deserve respect, love, and patience. This applies to the self, as well, and all who are incarnate and who are not.

Explore this perception and see how it changes you and opens the doors of understanding, insight into each one and yourself. Namaste.
Aug. 2, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross