Choose to see the good works of people

JANU:   A cautionary tale. Condemn no one, for that throttles the spirit. Not only of the one that is condemned, but of the condemner as well. Hold the light for those who contribute to the raising of human consciousness. They are legion, but only a few find notoriety. Many serve in silence.

As opportunity presents itself, choose wisely what your attention is upon. Support the spirit in each one. Yes, even in Atlanta and the like. Even without the larger view of life, many continue to serve and care for each other. The focus of their attention on living and relating is the window of opportunity for insight of the higher nature. There is magic everywhere. Choose to see it.

When you benefit from the sacrifice of another, a great lesson is learned, not soon forgotten. And the beneficiary tends to continue the blessing. Kindness is more difficult to see, for it is seldom boasted about. But it is not lost on the recipient. The good works of humanity are more silent than boisterous. Be not fooled by the news broadcasters. They sell sensationalism and fear.

Yes, the incarnate life is challenging, the seeming hodgepodge of conflicts, confusion, fear, and avarice, but it is part of Life. And Life supports its evolution with incredible patience, understanding, and love.

Ponder these things. Plumb their depths. Be encouraged. Namaste.
Aug. 9, 2019 B                                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross