Freedom to choose

JANU:   Choice, then, aptly stated is a driving force in the fulfillment of destiny for anyone’s journey through life. The power of choice is insurmountable, but the questions arise: Where is the wisdom in making a choice? What are the motivators? What are the possibilities of outcome? And what other choices are triggered by any choice?

Decision-making is based upon available information and understanding but shaped by emotions, preferences, life patterns, foundation building on perception, perspective. How does one move through these, beyond this, to enhance choice making? Desires play a role here, but preferring the truth to self-deception and denial, choosing integrity or the honesty to see more clearly, the freedom of perception unbiased, open-mindedness and a love for freedom to fulfill potential. Many reasons direct choice unconsciously.

Sanity enters the picture. How sane are your choices? Are they in harmony with anything? Does experience enhance discernment? And, does one listen for the truth within from a consciousness of their True Nature? Yes, one considers the lives, the experiences of those around them, but they are not the final choice-maker.

No matter the choice made, learn from the experience. See it for what it is. Grow wiser. Understand the process. Have confidence that life continues, no matter the choices. Always another opportunity to choose again, on some level. Always having freedom to choose. Namaste.
Aug. 13, 2019                                                                                                Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross