Life is perfect as it is

JANU: Welcome to a meeting of the minds, for we are in agreement that life is perfect as it is. And so are we, as we are. Life has unlimited potential, as do we. Evolving, awakening, creating, re-creating, all of it is life in motion and has been successful. Life has been successful always.

Now, limited consciousness may find fault with this or that, wishing things were different, but that’s a small perspective, very limited. For all of these observations are of elements of life in motion, changing, re-creating, influencing each other, realizing potential, gaining wisdom through it all. There is no fault to be found here. Life is. You are.

Opportunities for experience and wisdom-gaining and service are constant, beyond number. So where does the perception of a missed opportunity play a role in this Larger Life among so many opportunities? Time constraints are a limited point of view, as is the sense of isolation by way of distance. Consciousness is not limited in this way.

All of life is as it is, changing, evolving, filled with a love that perpetuates everything. Every element unique yet all one, for every element of life, every expression, is life. Each uniqueness speaks to the collective strength or presence of life. So, whatever your interests, your focus, your involvement, your concern, choose to see life as the essential nature of it all. Namaste.
Sept. 12, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross