Experiencing form and formlessness

JANU:    Formlessness speaks to the freedom to be however you choose. Incarnating is part of this, to experience form and a reality structured in form. When discarnate, the memory of the experience is imprinted and this adds to the vocabulary, so to speak, of experience and the power to create. Thoughtforms exist. They come and go. They have purpose. They can have any structure. Discarnate beings can still produce thoughtforms. The incarnate experience adds to the repertoire.

In the Larger Life, the subtler realities, form is seen differently for energies have a different nature and the conditions of their existence affords different relationships in those life patterns. And, of course, the purpose and functions are different. This is as it is for many realities with different parameters of existence. The True Nature, the core being, is without form as these forms are understood, but relies upon form in these realities with these different natures to explore realities and express Life’s potential and evolution.

Seen in this way, form is not a fixed reality. It runs the gamut of life realities, some call ‘dimensions.’ But life is larger than this. It is this and much more. Yes, the True Nature is a co-creator and form is only part of this. What form is employed for, in embracing life and the wisdoms gained through experience, is part of the destiny of existence.

So, let us hold this understanding and allow the consciousness to expand and embrace it. There are many other realities that coexist with these, and many form realities to be explored as well. This is only one piece of the picture puzzle of life. There are many others, all coexisting. Namaste.
Sept. 12, 2019 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross