A beneficial exchange with another

JANU:    The moments of enlightenment during today’s exchange are encouraging to both of you. It’s rewarding to observe and experience and own the path of wonder and discovery of another. It is also their path to freedom, discovery, enlightenment, and growth. Both benefit, in different ways. Life is enriched and the results can spread to others, for the field of discovery, the energy patterns, are not confined. Life touches life. Be alert for other opportunities. Grow in consciousness, in harmony with others. Namaste.
June 1, 2022 B                                           Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross

 Note: This followed an open and enlightening exchange with a repairman, not someone I would usually have expected to think along these lines.


Better days to come

JANU: Profound days are on the horizon. The pandemic is just the beginning. A bit of a ‘reset,’ if you will, of human society, philosophy, behavior. A leveling of economic opportunity is in store. Religions will be blended with the best of each. Governmental leadership much reformed. Dictatorship a thing of the past. Populations taking charge of their own destinies, coupled with awakening which reveals the wisdom to do so. Health and well-being become so commonplace as to no longer dominate the attention of so many.

These days to come speak to survival of the fittest, so to speak. Becoming fit on so many levels becomes second nature. Confidence in a bright future, with specific points of interest. Eliminate self-destruction through drugs and other devices as being suicidal and foolish. Creatures of the Earth will benefit from human energy patterns, thought processes, consciousness, that are conducive to a healthy and supportive atmosphere. Energetically, as well.

Breakthroughs in understanding and evolutionary elevations change everything. This in preparation for contact and communication with others on other worlds, in other realms. The future, filled with fulfillment, wonder, achievement, imagination. Good days to look forward to. Let the changes begin now. Namaste.
Aug. 5, 2020                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


Life within life, always changing

JANU:   Your observations are true, to a point, but there is much more to observe. Let us begin with your arch reason for struggling to live, to so-called survive the physical life. It is to continue the process of the evolution of life in whatever way possible, the movement of life. Now, many attempts at this seem counter-productive. Reversals in a forward momentum. They are, initially, but they recover and re-emerge with a new foundation of experience, which in itself enriches life. For wisdom comes from all of these, the reversals and the new beginnings. So, temper your observations with the larger view. A Larger Life, the True Nature, allows for a larger vision.

Even though the stream, while moving, has eddies and currents, reversals, a larger view shows everything ultimately moves along, one time or another, one way or another. But the stream is the stream. It has its own direction, its own pace, its own character, its own depth, so many qualities and properties. But it is in motion, filled with elements of motion.

Life is not a sterile movement of energy, of patterns. It is diverse, filled with nuance, interactions, and results. And even they are in motion. So be at peace with all of this. Consider its endurance and tenacity to continue. Your relationship with this movement is up to you, for choice still remains in the midst of the flow. But even the choices are in motion, you see. Nothing is separate from the flow. So, what is life within life within life? And it goes on. Namaste.
Dec. 31, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross


The what and why of identity 

JANU: The essence of existence portrays life not unlike a hologram. The sense of physicality while incarnate is limited perception, for the true nature of physical existence is patterned energy that belongs to a range of patterns of energy of many other existences, other realities, other dimensions some would call, other parameters of existence. So, what does one identify with? What is the True Nature in the presence of these energy patterns? Is it the consciousness? Is it more than that?

We have long held the perception that the nature of life stirs the pot, so to speak, of the energy of all existence, a coexistent swirl of potential with the ability to co-create throughout that domain. So, once again, what does it mean, what is the reality of identity? This suggests that identity is nebulous. It changes, it evolves, it expands, and at times contracts, yet is flowing. So living in the Now has its appeal. Within the sense of incarnate identity, there are boundaries, time and distance constraints. But that is only part of the perception of identity.

And what does the sense of identity serve? It is a foundation for exploration, comparisons, feedback of expression and experience. As a descriptor for continuation, identity is useful. But do not become contained by the sense of it. Namaste.
Oct. 30, 2019 B                                                                              Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


The nature of all realities is energy

JANU:    The fundamental of coexistence is energy. Energy with many patterns of coexistence, the physical being one but only one. So any existing behind the veil to consciousness perceive the physical life as solid and material. This is a property of the energy essence of physicality, a parameter of existence. It is not its nature. Its nature is energetic, as are all of the subtle bodies, coexisting, interrelating, mutually influential.

Conditions in the physical are no more permanent than in any other reality. All of life is subject to change, manipulation, co-creation. So are the energies of physical existence. Disturbances in the physical are energetic disturbances. They can be brought into balance, re-energized, rejuvenated. Diseases are energetic and have their own relative existence and can be focused, redirected so that the integrities of individual expressions of reality in the physical can be maintained and they can fulfill their destinies and potentials.

No longer see maladies as permanent or inalterable. Neither is the lack of perception behind the veil. All of these are energetic in nature, subject to change, redirection. Everything is possible, under the right conditions. Choose to grow in this direction with wisdom, guidance from your True Nature, and a growing conscious relationship with true peace. Namaste.
Sept. 19, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Experiencing form and formlessness

JANU:    Formlessness speaks to the freedom to be however you choose. Incarnating is part of this, to experience form and a reality structured in form. When discarnate, the memory of the experience is imprinted and this adds to the vocabulary, so to speak, of experience and the power to create. Thoughtforms exist. They come and go. They have purpose. They can have any structure. Discarnate beings can still produce thoughtforms. The incarnate experience adds to the repertoire.

In the Larger Life, the subtler realities, form is seen differently for energies have a different nature and the conditions of their existence affords different relationships in those life patterns. And, of course, the purpose and functions are different. This is as it is for many realities with different parameters of existence. The True Nature, the core being, is without form as these forms are understood, but relies upon form in these realities with these different natures to explore realities and express Life’s potential and evolution.

Seen in this way, form is not a fixed reality. It runs the gamut of life realities, some call ‘dimensions.’ But life is larger than this. It is this and much more. Yes, the True Nature is a co-creator and form is only part of this. What form is employed for, in embracing life and the wisdoms gained through experience, is part of the destiny of existence.

So, let us hold this understanding and allow the consciousness to expand and embrace it. There are many other realities that coexist with these, and many form realities to be explored as well. This is only one piece of the picture puzzle of life. There are many others, all coexisting. Namaste.
Sept. 12, 2019 B                                                                                                          Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Enriching life with our life patterns

JANU:    We are one. The True Nature is not separate from any of its facets, its elements of reality. It is many of these, and it is one. The human experience is portion of the totality of being. The assumed identities and role playing of the veiled incarnate life are a challenge and an opportunity to mature the consciousness, evolve the spirit, and serve life in the process. Enriching each other’s lives, inspiring and encouraging your potentials, enriching life.

“How does one enrich life?” you ask. “In what way, what manner?” By co-creating with it life patterns that contain within them revelation, understanding, wisdom, love, peace, creativity, insight, patience.

“What is a life pattern?” you ask. It is a creation made of patterns of energy, consciousness, life force, being initiative with every thought, action, experience, hope and desire. The corresponding ripples radiate throughout reality during the creation of a life pattern, where everything coexists. Contributions to life are more far ranging than most realize, for when one entertains an idea, a possibility, their consciousness touches and is touched by corresponding patterns that coexist everywhere, always.

An ocean has many drops of water, yet the ocean is all of these and they are one. Each with their own patterns, but they are one. So it is with the consciousnesses of individuals. They are one life, enriched by many, all coexisting. Each one’s life patterns are valid and in motion, as is the flow of life. So each one matters, creates, contributes, discovers, and evolves.

Share your patterns with others, as inspiration not requirement, as opportunity for new ideas and expansion of choices. Always free to choose and encouraged to do so. Even though a limited identity makes one seem alone and private, this is an illusion. So benefit each other with openness, honesty, integrity, clarity, patience, and respect, and yes, love. Namaste.
Aug. 5, 2019                                                                                                  Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross



JANU:    Energy, then, being the theme for this morning’s discussion, is a fundamental principle of life in all creations, every level of reality. For most reality has structure, which are the properties of energy, but there are many forms of structure and energy realities. Yes, we agree. There is life, there is that which lies beyond energy, as we have said, that which creates energy but does not use it. And that which lies beyond that.

But to understand life expression through the energy creations, it is essential to open the consciousness to fundamental reality of the nature of everything. The physical body, which so many identify with, and the physical existence of their environment have a nature of energy.

“What then is energy?” you ask. It is life force with, as we say, parameters of existence, of expression, that creates structure as opportunity for relationships, patterns, cycles of expression. The body and its components one of many.

But, as we have said, life is in motion. Everything changes, whether the physical faculties of perception can detect these rates of change or not. Experiments with visual perception demonstrate that color exists beyond the physical capability of the eyes, which you have seen, so to speak. All of the physical senses have their limits in the presence of life expression that is well beyond their capabilities. Your own identity is part of this.

The consciousness is not limited to physical reality. Exists in it and beyond it. The veil makes this difficult to perceive but it is a temporary limitation. It is a protocol of incarnate life, created by the incarnating entity. It can be uncreated through discipline and the evolution of maturity.

The entire physical body is composed of atoms, particles of energy with their own parameters of existence, science having demonstrated that they come and go, seemingly out of nowhere. Which means that your human identity is not who you are; it is what you are doing. But begs the question “who’s the ‘you’ doing this?” How conscious are you of who you are, in the larger sense?

This is why it is possible to roam the physical universe, move through time and space, yes, even into the potential of the future, gaining insights and understanding and experience. Energy is the vehicle for all of these structures of life. So, in this sense, everything is connected to everything, on one level or another.

Explore energy and its reality, even the energies you’ve yet to understand or observe. Remember, whatever your attention is on, you are connected to. Become more aware of these possibilities. Explore the life that you are and its connection with everything. Namaste.
July 29, 2019                                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Earth and human physical longevity

JANU: We are holding this focus, to explore the realities of longevity and any connection that may occur between that of the Earth and that of humanity.

You ask, “What is longevity a function of?” It is a function of quadrants of existence and the balance maintained between them. These quadrants are an overview of longevity for any physical life form and are designed by, programmed by, the consciousness that will partake of these physical expressions. These quadrants are part of the sphere-like relationship that globally manages the balance, you see. The amount of energies involved varies. It is as a commission in the flow of life to make contribution through experience to the life patterns that describe other life expressions. Now, the nature of these, you see, is unique to physicality and finds different form, so to speak, in non-physical life patterns. Longevity cycles make possible re-patterning, re-programming these expressions, for enhancement of potential.

The Earth and humanity, physically, have a common bond, so to speak, and serve each other. This commitment is a relationship that bows to the impetus to procreate and re-create. For one to enhance the other, to fulfill its potential, there must be a level of empathy. Humanity has yet to learn this. And Earth consciousness is aware of this. Give some thought to this, our brother, and the Earth will respond. Namaste.
Feb. 5, 2018 B                                                                 Copyright © 2018 by Joshua Ross


Wholistic exploration

JANU:    Assembled then at this journey is a confluence of opportunities to excel in the area of insightful investigation into the nature of life beyond the limits of Earth. Of course, the term ‘life’ covers a broad range of reality. These opportunities are marked by their origins, which are many life realities. At this time, most of which are from this galaxy, a few beyond. Let go of the limited perception of time/space, for the nature of these opportunities transcend physicality.

Many life realities are growing in their eagerness to discover, reach out to other consciousnesses, other life emanations. Most do not realize, in the human world, how much they radiate. These radiations can be detected by others so inclined. The opportunities are responses to those detections, but one must be more attuned to these than many are. Even your scientists who search for other worlds, other intelligences, are moving towards this sensitivity, as they expand their focus beyond physicality, recognizing that life has many levels of existence. They will discover so much more.

On these journeys, we have taken advantage of this and will continue to do so. These subtler communications will lead to physical opportunities, once awareness is established. Traveling to other worlds is only a part of extraterrestrial exploration. Opening the consciousness to technologies beyond the borders of physicality will lead to physical explorations only dreamed of at this time. The employment of energies, forces, on other levels of reality will prove beneficial.

Yes, you might call this a wholistic approach to exploration. That is exactly what it is. Humanity is not the only species exploring. So explore as you see, eventually discover each other. Once again, we return to the significance of awakening. Let it be so. Namaste.
Aug. 18, 2017                                                                                 Copyright © 2017 by Joshua Ross

This is a series exploring the associations and collaborations possible through awakening to the larger life. These are my experiences but it is hoped that these will inspire you to take your own journeys of awakening and exploration. Awakening II Set 29 contains all prior attunements in this series.