Better days to come

JANU: Profound days are on the horizon. The pandemic is just the beginning. A bit of a ‘reset,’ if you will, of human society, philosophy, behavior. A leveling of economic opportunity is in store. Religions will be blended with the best of each. Governmental leadership much reformed. Dictatorship a thing of the past. Populations taking charge of their own destinies, coupled with awakening which reveals the wisdom to do so. Health and well-being become so commonplace as to no longer dominate the attention of so many.

These days to come speak to survival of the fittest, so to speak. Becoming fit on so many levels becomes second nature. Confidence in a bright future, with specific points of interest. Eliminate self-destruction through drugs and other devices as being suicidal and foolish. Creatures of the Earth will benefit from human energy patterns, thought processes, consciousness, that are conducive to a healthy and supportive atmosphere. Energetically, as well.

Breakthroughs in understanding and evolutionary elevations change everything. This in preparation for contact and communication with others on other worlds, in other realms. The future, filled with fulfillment, wonder, achievement, imagination. Good days to look forward to. Let the changes begin now. Namaste.
Aug. 5, 2020                                                        Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross