The nature of the True Nature

JANU: Exploring the True Nature from the perspective of the human consciousness is an uplifting journey into the larger reality of being. The True Nature is not described by incarnate parameters of existence. It is described by the richness and diversity of life itself and words do not contain this. So, exploring the True Nature is a journey of consciousness experience, of letting go of the limitations of incarnate ego identity and embracing an unlimited presence in the flow of life. In due course, the experience deepens to an expanding identity and a realization that everything you embrace, you touch with consciousness. It is part of you from a much larger inclusive sense of being.

The limited perceptions of dichotomy, duality, are perceived as minor realities that only exist in incarnate life. These are not judged or condemned in any way. They just are, as an interim experience on the incarnate journey.  An experience of pure being, not needing identity, realizing that any identity is that of Life itself and even beyond. Identity uncontained, yet to be realized more and more fully. And this includes the reality, the presence of other True Natures, beyond any species identity.

The growing freedom of being, the incarnate life a path of exploration and experience to gain wisdom and understanding of part of a larger Life. The True Nature being the source of the incarnate consciousness but so much more. Namaste.
Oct. 22, 2019                                                                                 Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross