We are all unique and we are all one

JANU:   Brothers and sisters all, viewing humanity beyond the physical unites them all in the adventure of life. The gender specific natures exist in harmony as one, when viewed in this way. Perceiving past the apparent differences of incarnate life, one can see and connect with all as companions in life. Yes, different ranges of experience, accumulated wisdom, and strong tendencies of ability in many directions. But the True Natures are connected and fulfilling their potential by way of their destinies. Uniting everyone in your perceptions reveals this. See beyond limited differences, perceive True Nature, and understand and experience how much larger life is than most perceive.

Celebrate life in this way, during this season and always. A life no longer petty with misconceptions, misperceptions, and isolated interests. We are all unique, and we are all one, and together we are strong. Namaste.
Nov. 27, 2019                                                                                               Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross