Circumstance: product of our creations

JANU:    Let us examine that which portends to be the potential future of humanity on the Earth. The rigors of the current pandemic are a precursor to a transition from self-destruction in the form of political, military, and the social advantage-taking motivated by the quest for power. Life is not indifferent when it comes to course changes, redirection, and endurance. Correlation between symptoms and causation requires some insight, introspection, and soul-searching, if you will.

It is no accident that humanity is the dominant group being challenged. Its responsibility for self-destructive behavior and stressing nature in the planet is not without consequences. The motivations for wars still exist, even between their outbreaks. The peace sought for is not the lack of violence, but the alternative to these motivations. If a more enlightened species were encountered, would they be understood? Are the eyes of the beholder capable of seeing life as it truly is? If this were so, why does the Earth violence continue?

Much to be considered here. A species of co-creators creates its own circumstance. Humanity would do well to accept ownership of its creation. Namaste.
May 22, 2020                                                                                 Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross