Questions to ponder about life

JANU:    Return to the scene of the formation of worlds, the population of same, the journey of consciousness through the evolution of species, experience the planetary life and the embrace of the diversity of universes. How does one appraise this scope of life, its maturity and wisdom, its experiences, and attach significance? What is the justification for all of it? What does it serve? What benefits? Why is there creation? What is the destiny of everything?

The answer to these questions is resolved in the nature of being. “And what is this?” you ask. “What is essential nature?” There is much reinventing of the wheel, so to speak, with refinements. If the essence of the nature of life is realization of its potential, is there an alternative? And what is the source of this potential? Is it, itself, evolving? From what to what? What is the nature of pure being? Is even that in motion and changing? What is life?

Not only be open to questions, but to their resolution as well. Namaste.
May 6, 2020                                                                                     Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross