Life has meaning and purpose

JANU: The circle of life goes round and round, but in the process becomes richer and richer, deeper, more integrated in its expanding diversity. There is beauty in the process of awakening. Every element adds freedom and sovereignty and self-realization and new relationship with the True Nature. Awakening is not a straight line, many changes of direction. At times, a sense of traveling in circles.

The outer and the inner life merge. Identity expands, no longer alone in life but more and more one with it. Witnessing and understanding the nature of another is endearing. Caring for another is an opportunity to become a blessing for another, characterized by love, wisdom, and the true power of Life itself. No longer just one human to another, but something larger.

These realizations are not new. They have always been part of the potential of life. We talk of peace and freedom and awakening and consciousness. They are connected. Life has meaning and purpose. Choose to own it. Namaste.
May 20, 2020 BP                                                         Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ross