Change is everywhere

JANU: Allowances are wisely made in the presence of change. The flow of life is the movement of changes, the ingredients of evolution. The nature of changes determined by the parameters of existence. So, you see, adaptations, allowances, are called for determined by the cycles of life.

What we see here is resistance to these in the interest of preservation of uniformity, regularity, so-called peace and stability, when in truth the eternal stability reality is change, which is life in motion. So one would choose to be alert to changes, understand their nature and their opportunities. The peace comes from the experience of predictability that this will occur. So will the perception, the understanding, the experience, and the wisdom.

One can almost sense the future approaching by way of this. All change sheds light upon what led to it. Let there be peace through understanding. Namaste.
May 26, 2021 B                                         Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross

The reader my wish to refer back to Change is your partner. However, change is an ever present concept in my journeys, so check out the category itself, as well as The Nature of the Coming Changes, and CHANGES 1998-2015