The vital presence of change and life

JANU:   Welcome, then, to that which precedes and proceeds change. The flow of life is always involved before, during, and after change, for change is an element of life that produces expression of potential and the wisdom it brings.

The evolution of life is a given. What does this mean, then, to the individual, as well as the rest of life expressions? It means an intimate relationship with the True Nature, the Nature of everything, for motion reveals life and life is imprinted in every part of your Nature, recognized by unlimited diversity of expression and life in motion. Not just physical life but beingness, understanding coexistence of everything, the experience of being conscious, aware and sensitive to more and more of reality.

Those who ignore these things have chosen ignorance, which is a quality of the freedom of being and is included in the reality of life. “Why?” you ask. Because even the path of denial is experience and wisdom gaining through the results of the denial, you see. Those results are an expression of life and its ongoingness. Even denial cannot escape the presence, the influence of life.

Change brings diversity to vitality and creativity. Namaste.
June 11, 2021                                                              Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross