The vitality of life in motion

JANU:    Life in motion being elastic, meaning there is give and take, modifications, alternatives, interdimensional realities coexisting yet unique. This applies to your own being. Being connected with coexistence and life in motion means that one is, as well.

And how does that reveal itself? Every moment is a little different. Any relationship changes. Any attitude evolves. Even colors shift in perception and reality. Health and well-being exist in this way. The value of currency is never constant, globally changing in value from one economy to another.

Life that is not in motion must be called something else, for life is not stagnant. Some expressions of life are more stable than others, but still in motion. Self- examination of understandings, attitudes, preferences, realities of the sojourn are not always the same. So, when reaching for understanding of some aspect of life, one is sampling only a moment of reality.

So, what is a foundation for understanding for moving forward, for further exploration? The foundation is at peace with change, not only in life around you but the life that you are, your own Nature. Being sensitive to this brings sensitivity to the vitality of all of life. These changes include rehabilitation, rejuvenation, evolution, applied simplicity. A reality of harmoniousness but still vital.

Experience the vitality of change. Perceive your own physicality in the same way. Vital rejuvenation, some call healing, but always in motion. Namaste.
Aug. 16, 2021                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross