Understanding by examples

JANU: The Dance of Life sometimes perceived as a tangled web, mostly when attempting to perceive all of it at once. Specific meaning becomes hidden in general observation. The Dance of Life describes many foci of life in motion. The journeys of awakening alone can obscure an individual journey. The point here being: each one has their own ‘dance of life,’ with many variations. Obscure tendencies can be explored with focus, but basic principles can be gleaned at the heart of each one’s journey.

A partnership can exist, does exist between the incarnate consciousness and the True Nature. This Dance of Life, this part of awakening, changes and evolves. Identities, from the human perspective, are part of this dance as well. These partnerships have both individual perceptions, identities, yet can be as one. There is a dance here and confusion arises when one or the other attempts to lead. The insight is the True Nature leading innate consciousness as the task of implementation, expression. This model of reality is fluid as well but is revealed in the midst of integrity. Namaste.
Oct. 4, 2021 B                                                                                Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross