A larger consciousness through peace

JANU: We are encouraged, then, by the momentum being gained although subtle to your consciousness. Turning the tables, so to speak, on the confusion of life behind the veil. But wisdom was gained through the experience, and still is. Life is life, whether in or out of the body, as is consciousness. Being at peace allows for current experience of these realities, for peace is without bias or preference.

Misperception is the product of confusion due to ignorance, unfocused imaginings. Focus for the conscious mind, incarnate mind, is mostly one focus at a time. The larger life consciousness is simultaneous awareness, synergisms, coordination, collaborations, systems of life, a coordinated sense of identity, an orchestration of perceptions and understandings in tune with the symphony of life.

Ponder this larger reality. Own the freedom. Be at peace.
Nov. 11, 2021                                                            Copyright © 2021 by Joshua Ross