Group of worlds explore their potential

JANU:    This next world we speak of belongs to a group of those that combine their talents, their gifts to explore life’s potential as a group. The scale of their venture is not easy for many to own or relate to. They reach into what, for some, is the void of consciousness, of potential, of reality and expose themselves to themselves as Life itself exploring itself. Realizing potential as a composite of possibilities, they embrace life as if they were that life, for in truth they are.

These worlds have moved through, evolved through a wide variety of paths. They are not similar species. They leave those identities behind and find themselves as themselves uniquely. Their adventure, their quest continues to blossom, remaining a vision toward the unknown but grasping more and more. They experience a freedom that few do, freedom from old ways, limited ways, repetition, confusion. Their potential yet to be realized but free to realize it. We relate to this. It is ours as well. Namaste.
May 14, 2023                                                        Copyright © 2023 by Joshua Ross