Wise sharing of the Truth of Life

JANU: Summoning up the courage to explore in the face of the challenges of ignorance. Conscious connection with others still exploring the lesser path is a challenge in itself, for the natural urge to serve becomes challenged greatly when attempting to share understanding that has not been embraced yet by others. The tolerance is founded in appreciation of the reality of being on all levels and the freedom of each to choose the steps on their path and their timing. You will discover among them, including yourself, those who hunger for more clarity, who look for solutions and answers to questions, are not so different from your path. What they need is up to them and their own Nature. The timing and depth and scope is theirs. Your challenge is to be what you are more conscious of, even with those whose consciousness has advanced beyond yours.

Choose privacy on your journey, subject to inner promptings to share, and even then, what to share, when to share, and how to share. Beyond just being, walk these steps of awakening slowly, allowing yourself and others their timing, their diversity, their model for living. Allow others and yourself space and time, patience and Life’s loving guidance. Not everything revealed at once. That bypasses the wisdom of experience, that leads to confusion and intimacy not founded in love.

Be patient. Be understanding. And be all you can be. Live your life in this way, and Life will not waste you or those you wish to serve. Namaste.
Nov. 16, 2023                                                     Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross