Universal consciousness

JANU:    The subject is universal consciousness. And what does this mean to be universally conscious no matter the focus or the dimension currently associated with? The question being “Is this possible? Is there wisdom in this?” The answer is NO for the unprepared, and YES for those who naturally desire. Yes, this exists with moments of crossover for those on the path of awakening, but sporadically. As awakening occurs, it is more and more by choice, from either direction. The challenge is identification with one reality or another. So let us explore the experience of universality in consciousness.

One element of this is simultaneous consciousness with more than one focus, bringing balance to the observation and understanding. Physical existence is similar to this though mostly unconsciously. Life is many systems with harmonious coexistence. Life is difficult to describe as a linear progression because of this, yet there is evolution.

Language is a small part of understanding and experience. Direct knowing better describes the alternative. We are one in this and always have been. Even when attempting to listen to the ‘inner voice,’ better to put one’s attention upon the inner consciousness, the inner being, the inner insights. Allowing awakening, embracing it, being it. The merging of time and timelessness, the coexistence of realities. The absence of fear replaced with the love of life. Confidence in what is and what will be, proved by what has been. Namaste.
Dec. 18, 2023                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross