Direct knowing

JANU: We are restoring at this time a measure of communication that includes direct knowing. Now, you have experienced this on occasion, but not routinely.

Direct knowing is not limited to verbal communication although interpretation of experience may include verbal thought for processing. Direct knowing is not limited to the outer life but can include your incarnate existence. The nature of this is more like allowing the experience rather than probing or pushing for it, a natural flow of connection with life. Understanding, knowing a reality beyond words is a major step forward for more natural and complete communication with the rest of life. It is possible to know the words used by another but it isn’t necessary to use words to understand them, for in direct knowing you connect with the consciousness that is using the words and what they mean to them. We are not suggesting the abandonment of the use of words in communication, but adding direct knowing to an expanding ability to know, to understand.

Now, you ask of telepathy. This is another form of direct knowing. Telepathy is more limited, compared to direct knowing, but very useful.

Communication, connection with life consciously, can take many forms. Some observe body language as one form. Sign language is another. The use of colors is another. Music is another. Art is another. But direct knowing is our focus for this evening. A journey in consciousness, with its own parameters and conditions. We will explore this further. Namaste, our brother.

Feb. 3, 2015 B                                                        Copyright © 2015 by Joshua Ross

There have been three other posts on this subject: Dec. 23, 2013, Dec. 26, 2013, and  Dec. 12, 2014.