The fullness of the moment

JANU:    Many speak of equations, the mathematics of life, the laws of relationships, the progressions and procedures of life. We speak to these as well but in a context of cause and effect, probabilities, interplay of opportunities, and the progression of outcomes. Looking at life in this way leaves the door open for any coexistence of opportunities, progressions, challenges, victories, probabilities and randomness of progression.

 Life involvement is a constant change of potential outcomes because life coexists with itself and all of its potentials. There is balance of progression, outcomes existing simultaneously that can move in any direction at any time. Life is fluid and predictable. Life is potential and, for physical life, there is timing and progressions. Attempting to embrace a concept of life that is simultaneous and based on such alternatives can be a distraction from the moment and the opportunities that exist there.

We encourage a fluid approach to possibilities. Being in the moment, which is where the power is, many look for control of their experience and their progressions. In some ways this is a limitation. Life allows this, but is not limited by it. Flow can move in any direction simultaneously. Living in the moment allows for alertness to possibilities and potentials and communication with Life itself, its creations. It’s more fluid, encompassing and alive than linear progression alone.

Freedom to ‘be’ in the moment, in any moment, allows your systems of life to exist in balanced flow, from moment to moment. Consider this carefully when planning, when responding to insight and conditions of the moment. Being at peace yet well-connected to the realities of one’s existence is Life. Namaste.
Mar. 14, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross