Enormous responsibility?

JANU:    Enormous responsibility depends upon perspective. When considering the magnitude of Life, its depth and breadth, its potential, capabilities, its endurance and longevity, serving it, contributing to it in a meaningful way, one tends to compare the potential of responsibility individually with the magnitude of Life itself.

The wisdom of this perspective needs examination. For are we not the Life, in essence, that we hold in such high regard? Why not consider the merit and the value of all of life, no matter how large or small? Seeing your contribution and potential to contribute in the same way, relieving yourself of the perception of a burden of responsibility beyond reality.

Every moment of sharing the Light, the Truth of Life, no matter the perceived magnitude, is of equal importance, for without it Life is lessened in the manifestation of its potential. Find joy, comfort, and peace no matter the perceived magnitude of Light. Find merit in being grateful that it is so, confident in the Light magnifying, amplifying, evolving and supporting its existence. If there is more you can do, understand, and be, it will come to you. Be alert to opportunities. Understand your own potential and depth and watch it evolve as a natural occurrence, for this is what life does by becoming.

We are all never alone. How can one be, in reality, when you are that Light? So, continue, evolve, be grateful, love each moment. Namaste.
Mar. 26, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross