Understanding & experiencing beingness

JANU:    We are shedding more light on the diversity of life as pertains to awakening into the Light of one’s own truth of being, individual and collective light. Let us begin in this way.

What is being? Being is an isness, a reality amongst realities. Its nature is to develop and enrich life through the engagement. Life’s potential of diversity provides opportunity for countless possibilities of development. The natural path of these speaks to what to some might be enormous richness but, as one awakens, one realizes that the micro and the macro are one. Each coexists in the Now. The illusion of separateness, borders, if you will, of expressions of life are a matter of limited perception for the purpose of understanding and exploration. Consciousness and the Truth of Life are partners on the journey of being.

Life itself has potential through expression, engagement, interplay, and evolution. Life in motion is evolving, all of life. No two paths are the same. Diversity is its richness. Every expression makes contribution.

Isness is the key to understanding essential nature of being. So allow your beingness to be, which means to express, to engage, to become one with, to become more conscious. Consciousness of leads to consciousness as, which is a springboard to more. Be life in motion, ever changing. Namaste.
Dec. 7, 2022                                                                 Copyright © 2022 by Joshua Ross


Wise decision making when confronted with conflicts

JANU:    Yes, difficult decisions demand insight. Delegating one’s responsibility, when inflicted upon others, where does wisdom lie? Conflicts occur on the path of awakening. But what decisions are wise and what is the source of the wisdom?

There is a tendency, when faced with these challenges, to make decisions based upon personal and independent perspective. Not wise, when it involves the destinies of others. Making conflicts known, within the structure of society to those who have agreed upon authority, when possible, maintains integrity of the situations that don’t allow for this process. Preventing suffering and loss of life becomes paramount, but even this is subject to interpretation.

Call upon, attune to the wisdom within and follow your intuition. Each conflict has its unique aspects and insight can focus the Light, the Truth of Life very quickly. Practice this for the small things to where insight serves well. The True Nature has access to vast resources, not constrained by time. Decide to know. Namaste.
Oct. 8, 2019 B                           Copyright © 2019 by Joshua Ross


Awakening 1: an unending journey of discovery

JANU: The merits of awakening include solace for those who struggle to make sense of life. Many possibilities are imagined and dwelled upon and examined from many perspectives, but seldom is the focus generated by the True Nature heard. Listening unerringly to the truth that lives within you is to be practiced and allowed to blossom and inspire. Listening without prejudice and at peace with the power of peace calms the turbulence of struggle. The insights of the soul, so to speak, have a beauty and simplicity to them, bringing together the loose ends of consciousness, and imagination and wondering, into a focus that reveals. Patience and struggle and confusion seldom mix to bring clarity.

This quest of yours to explore awakening in a meaningful way, to inspire others into their truth, is founded in love and wisdom and true power. These are qualities of your True Nature. Human social consciousness wanders past these while thinking that the words are understood. Simple truths, our brother, while seeming plain to understand have profound layers of meaning, taking many lifetimes to embrace and manifest through the opportunities of life. Look not for a simple solution without layers of meaning constantly evolving and growing into the larger truth. Part of the reason for the veil is to focus the sojourn experience and not be distracted by unlimited possibilities all at once. Simple yet profound understanding of many realities brings wisdom when patiently applied and lived.

The path of awakening is not meant to bypass anything, but to bring consciousness to everything you consider, desire, and reach for. Love alone, our brother, has unlimited possibilities of meaning and reality. Consider the challenges and opportunities for the human consciousness to master even this one path of discovery. So you see, through the wisdom of the True Nature, one explores life and its realities with patience and commitment and care. Awakening, our brother, is not a destination but a journey of embracing life, who you are, and all you can be, discovering that the Family of Life has always been your family, rich beyond concepts.

This is how we begin, our brother, to engage awakening. Namaste.

Apr. 11, 2016 B                                                               Copyright © 2016 by Joshua Ross


The medium of life

JANU: For this morning’s journey, let us enjoy an adventure into the medium that life exists in. This medium is known only by the life it produces. So when one examines the life produced, what does one look for as a signature, as an indicator of the medium of life? Well, on the first level, it would appear as energy but formless, omnipresent, and eternal. A uniform nature, but that uniformity changes as one lowers into the octave of existence. It is a gradual modification of uniformity. So, at what stage in this modification of uniformity does one begin to grasp the reality of the medium of life? There is no one point, our brother, for the change is so gradual and in flux as life responds and reacts to its own creation. The beginning of understanding is to know that it exists and has purpose and function. We are approaching here what we call the ‘Body of Life’ that even all universes reside in and are sustained by. Their own physical existence has this relationship with the medium of life, and it plays a role in universal instantaneous communication and consciousness.

So you see, life is a continuous simultaneous reality of existence in potential, of the unmanifest and the manifest. And all of life has vitality of one kind or another. And the medium of life is not the end of the story, but a threshold of understanding belonging to the mind awakening to universal consciousness. Adventures of this nature serve the wisdom of having a growing, enlarging perspective of life that even your daily awareness and engagements and decisions benefit. And that these truths and realities are not some far-off, distant, unknowable reality, but co-exist with you at all times and are part of your nature and your connection with life is more complete than you know.

Dec. 4, 2014                                           Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross