
JANU:   Redundancy has two faces. Both are illusions. One face is repetition, duplication. The other is approximation. When in reality both are a limited perception. Every moment in life is essentially new. When perceived in this way, there is a freshness to the experience, for no two moments are identical. Life is forever in motion, changing, presenting a unique face. When life seems repetitious and ‘old hat’ so to speak, one is being not alert to the movements, to the changes. For no matter how subtle, each moment is unique.

The windows of opportunity and perception to the bored mind are invisible. The living desire to explore, to evolve, to contribute, to become is the fire within. There is wisdom to explore, evaluate one’s own foundation of the desire to embrace life. Life becomes more invigorating, more sustaining, more rejuvenating, more gratifying, more illuminating, and more facilitating, and more healing and inspiring by example to others. Your light becomes more radiant and attracts other lights. Your being unites more consciously. You communicate with life more fully, in more ways.

Become more alive with each moment. You have the capacity to be this way, whether incarnate or not. So be it.
Mar. 24, 2024                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross