Living in the moment

JANU:   Many steps to wisdom, to enlightenment, to understanding. Participation in the evolution of life. Creativity. Service. Living. The intellect seeks out complexity, details, technology. The heart listens for feelings, emotions, a different kind of knowing. The True Nature allows with an intimacy into the nature of being. Coexistence. Past, present, and future and their interactions. Their mutual benefits are in understanding based on simplicity and infinite diversity.

Embracing the moment is a process of unfoldment, allows for peaceful experience. Embrace life as a continuing unfoldment of being. Living in the moment has profound depth. Many live in the past and future and miss many revelations of being. How many are conscious of the fullness of any moment ? Being of timeless consciousness is limitless and in harmony with Life in motion. Namaste.
May 8, 2024                                                                                            Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross