More on the purpose of life

JANU:   Hearing the call, no matter where it seems to come from, to return to, to know, to understand, to remember your own True Nature is not always understood for what it is, what it means, and who you are. A confusing journey of what to let go of and what to embrace. Identity is in one instance an obstacle, and another an open door. The weight of verification is based upon experimentation, trust, the integrity of experience, and wisdom.

Life seems to have so many faces, each calling in different directions. Determining each one’s source is a challenge. How do you recognize what you are and what you are not, in the midst of all this clamor? It comes to choices, commitments, and discernment. The phrase “love into your life”  is Truth, which your True Nature will reveal. A process of discernment and awakening, verified through application and direct knowing.

We have explored the purpose of life, which is to be. And that is evolving as well, always in motion. Life is not an end point but a journey of being. One miracle of Light among many. Philosophy is one thing. Realization, understanding and wisdom, and creativity is another. Everyone has a friend they can trust: their own True Nature, which is Life in motion. Allow your beingness. Awaken to the truth. Create in harmony with Life. Fulfill its reason for being. Namaste.
May 12, 2024                                                                                               Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross