A foundation for exploring more of Life

JANU:    Exploring the Larger Life, as has been requested, includes exploring one’s identity. In other words, who or what is doing the exploring? This says a great deal as to what can be explored. Our collective wisdom conditions our explorations in this way. It calls for patience and patience varies as well, according to the moment and the capabilities.

Our combined reality includes associations with many different types of wisdom; therefore, our exposure to these is wisdom gained from the Larger Life and others. So, you see, our journey together in this direction includes the wisdom of many. We do not evolve in isolation. This explains, in part, the desire to share, for we benefit from the sharing of others and all of life benefits. The effectiveness of sharing is guided by the wisdom, wisdom from experience and observation. Your incarnate brothers and sisters apply in this way, so see them in this way and with the respect due.

There is wisdom everywhere, on every level, to one degree or another, in one form or another. Exploring the Larger Life includes exploring a larger vision, a larger wisdom, a larger consciousness. Share with others in both directions. Consider this with wisdom. Namaste
June 5, 2024                                                                Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross