How to explore more of life

JANU:   Exploring life, drawing to our consciousness understanding. There are many branches of life to explore, any one being connection to another, establishing points of interest along the way. This may seem like a grab bag to some but, with enlightenment and experience, each is a pearl with many opportunities to realize potential. There are no dead ends, you see, only connections and diversity, all of which are evolving. Restorations of the patterns of living. Incarnate life comes to mind.

This seems a departure from common experience. There is a difference between ‘natural’ and ‘common.’ Both exist. The freedom of choice comes with awakening, and the removal of doubt, confusion, preferences that limit, for it matters not to the awakening individual. For awakening has many faces and rests in every part of life.

So open to engage, experience, understand more of life. It does not hide from you. Limitation self-created does the hiding. Let go of borders. Choose freedom. Life is everywhere. Engage it. Namaste.
June 15, 2024                                                                   Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross