
JANU:    Surveyance or observation can have different tones to it, and styles. One can be observation without engagement. Another can be engagement, with more experience, intimacy. We have known for some time that the form of observation can change appropriate to the moment of that being observed. The consciousness of the moment, of the observer and that observed, have a potential for a disciplined approach that includes mutual benefit and even service to Life. This is true when observing others, whether human or not, any living creature, even worlds. Patience is the key here, as well as motivation, desires.

Researching Life can be dominantly intellectual. Intimacy in observation allows for empathy. A structure to service ensues with natural qualities. Team effort with a multiple of servers. The objects of observation bring unity and harmony that progresses with the flow of life. Becoming integrated consciously with the composite of Life brings depth to the experience. But change is Life in motion, evolving. So what does one hang on to then, if the illusion of stability is entertained?

Being comfortable with change and those patterns in motion gives confidence in outcomes, opportunities, and potential. Exploring Life in motion reveals much. Consider this when opening to a growing understanding and intimacy with Life, including your own. Namaste.
June 23, 2024                                                      Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross