Freedom to explore

JANU: Analysis must take on a new name to be released from limited thinking and tradition.  The freedom to be embraces that which comes as intuition, dynamic life, and the promise of freedom. Freedom to be more. Freedom to explore. Conscious oneness.

So what does one explore, in harmony with these opportunities? The meaning of Life? Its potential? Current consciousness? Focused exploration, the pulse of Life and its potential. Life expresses countless forms, compositions, and seeming contradictions. One speaks of ‘isness,’ beingness, the arc of Life. These terms include so much more than ‘conscious of’ or ‘conscious as.’ Incarnate consciousness is consumed with, patterned deeply with the sense of time, sequence of realities, order, patterns, and cadence of life. Simultaneous existence, purposes, opportunities, understandings, consciousnesses, relationships are a step beyond.

As we continue these adventures into the Larger Life, one does not dismiss any of the life leading up to this. The Larger Life is just more inclusive, less restricted, biased, preferred, isolated in any way. Enjoy the freedom of limitlessness in thinking, experiencing, understanding, and service. See all of the vehicles of Life in this way. And, yes, even the physical for the duration of its expression.

Explore wholesomeness, balance, vitality, evolution, presence. Be present in understanding, discovery, engagement, expression. Find peace as a reality. Allow it to be and become. Greet all of Life in this way. It is a foundation for understanding and being the Truth of Life. Namaste.
June 24, 2024                                                  Copyright © 2024 by Joshua Ross