The purpose and function of the Structures of Life

JANU:   These Structures of Life that we speak of have a cadence and rhythm to them. There is a pulsing reality to life. It is like a pumping action, keeping life flexible, in motion, and capable of absorption and distribution of change and new fledging realities, as well. So the Structures of Life, you see, are not all rigid, solidly formed. They are in motion as well, as life pulses into its potential.

To understand these structures, one would do well to understand their own. Your thoughts, your emotions, your decisions, choices, and engagements of the various elements of life are structured. How often have you observed one thought leading to another, one feeling leading to another? The habits and programming of your consciousness, of your being, of your bodies, repetitive to the point of slight awareness of the repetition. These structures, these patterns of existence, support each other and are the pumping action that keep life in motion, flexible, and absorbent, and expressive. This is the nature of life, our brother, and we understand this well and take fuller advantage of what they afford.

From a certain point of view, this pulsing appears or seems to be continuous motion. From other points of view, one can observe the ebb and flow of life and what it carries with it. Even your sojourns, your many lives, have pattern that resembles these Structures of Life. The choices that are made to embody and the reasons for them. Structure of one form or another is everywhere, our brother.

As to life beyond these realities: they are the causal source of these pulsings, these Structures, but they do not use them in the same way, our brother, for the reality is different.

Now, you ask the question, “How does one take advantage of or full benefit of these Structures?” By placing your attention upon and attuning to what these Structures contain and the ebb and flow of experience that moves through them, by them. When one observes a pattern in their own life, their daily routine, of choice, of emotion, of thought process, examine what is taking place. How the patterns have evolved over time, along the rich path of experience. One will learn to anticipate these movements and make clearer choices with deeper understanding, for structures and patterns have much to speak to you and their memory, so to speak, is longstanding and revelatory.

Questions to ask oneself are:  Why do you do what you do? Why do you continue to feel a certain way? And why do you have attitudes that do not seem to change, or grow, or evolve? What parts of your life do you feel stuck in and not free to change?

The life you live in your world is not who you are, but it has patterns and structures that continue. The choices, the engagements, and the results you have made. Freedom to be does not mean your engagement or involvement with these Structures of Life, but the mastering of them through understanding and observation.

May 17, 2014                         Copyright © 2014 by Joshua Ross